Frequently Asked Questions…
…about Joining the Hamilton Board and becoming a basketball referee.
How much money will I make?
- Game rates vary depending on the level of play. As of 2024, single game rates for 32 minute non post-secondary games (levels below College) range from $40 to $60. Travel may be added depending on the location of the games. A portion of games fees are withheld by the Board to cover operating costs – see the Constitution & By-Laws for full details,
When / how will I get paid?
- Payments are processed based on game fees that have been collected to date by the Hamilton Board. Pay dates normally occur at the monthly scheduled meetings from November to May and once in September.
How often can I / will I referee?
- One of the biggest advantages of being a referee is that your schedule is flexible and dependent on your availability. Assignments will vary depending on your level of experience but can be as little as a few games a month or as busy as refereeing every day based on your ability and availability.
Is there any cost to join?
- Annual registration fees (as of 2023-24) are $142.00. This fee includes membership in CBOC (Canadian Basketball Officials Commission) and OABO (Ontario Association of Basketball Officials) and insurance coverage.
Do I have to buy a uniform / how much is a uniform?
- All referees with our Board are required to conform to the standard uniform as per our Constitution & By-Laws.
- Newer officials often start with “just the basics” and can be equipped to officiate for very low cost. Other items (pants, socks, shoes etc.) do not have to be basketball specific and can be purchased at any local store. The warm-up jacket can be purchased at a later date as you progress in the level of game assignments.
When does the season start & end / when should I join?
- High school basketball generally starts in the 2nd week of September. New(er) officials may not start refereeing until after Thanksgiving when house leagues and younger rep basketball begins. The majority of the season generally wraps up by the end of May. New(er) officials should strongly consider attending the free Fox 40 Academy Camp in the summer to get a jump start on training for the upcoming season. Brand new officials need to register as early as possible in September (preferably the first meeting) and attend as many training sessions in September & October as possible in order to be ready to start officiating. (Learning to referee is just like learning to play – it takes practice and you can’t learn from just reading a book…or from your couch!) New officials normally will not be permitted to join after October 1 unless transferring from another local Board.
How do you train referees?
- Our training starts with our free Fox 40 Academy Camp in the summer and continues in September & October with both in-class and on-court training sessions.
- Training includes both classroom educational / rules sessions and on-court practice sessions.
Do I have to write an exam?
- All officials will write an exam in late November / early December each year.
Is there a minimum age?
- Officials must be 16 years old as of September 1 of the current year in order to officiate.
Can I transfer from another Board / become a Dual member?
- We welcome both transfers from other local Boards and Dual members from other Boards. Please complete the form found on the “Join the Hamilton Board” page and indicate you are a transfer / dual member.
- New officials to our Board, including transfers & dual members, should be committed to attending the Fox 40 Academy Camp and / or training sessions in September & October in order to be evaluated on the court by our assignors. Games will not be assigned to new Hamilton Board members, including transfers & dual members until the Hamilton Board assignors have evaluated your abilities.